Myth: Only the Scale Knows

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Myth: The Scale is the Only Way to Know It’s Working

The weight scale has become an obsession for many people. They weigh themselves every day (sometimes multiple times in a day) and then get emotionally worked up if they are up half pound or are not losing the weight fast enough.

This obsession with the weight has become a ball-and-chain for many that will make or break their day. Weight is down in the morning – life is good. Weight is up in the morning – “My whole day is shot! Pass me the ice-cream container.”

As I’ve discussed in other posts it’s not: “Lose weight to get healthy, but get healthy to lose weight” (and keep it off). As you understand your body type and eat and exercise appropriately to meet it’s unique needs, you will begin to notice other positive health indicators like: improve energy, better quality of sleep, better digestion, close-fitting more loosely, more muscle strength, better nail and hair quality, decreased cravings, and overall feelings of well-being. These indicators give you the valuable feedback that your body is healing.

Bottom Line: Don’t let the weight scale ball and chain shackle and shape your day. Key in to the other indicators that your health is improving, the weight will become one of those when the body is ready to lose it.

Dr. John Erickson, DC
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About the author : Dr. John Erickson, DC