
Allergies are a major cause of illness in the United States. As many as 50 million people - about one in five - have allergies.

Some allergic reactions are merely a nuisance, others can heavily impact the quality and comfort of life -- forcing the sufferer to be hyper-vigilant towards foods, seasonal changes, animals, fabrics, scents, etc. 

For those with debilitating, hard-to-treat allergy symptoms -- they are at the mercy of their reactions as their workplace environment, creature comforts and even their relationships come secondary to their symptoms.

34 Year-Old Alternative to Allergy Shots Still Working Today

With over 6,000 licensed medical/health care providers trained world-wide, Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique or NAET is one of the most effective alternative methods for treating the symptoms of allergies. NAET has often been effective when nothing else has.

Eliminate Allergies Without Needles or Drugs

Traditional allergy treatments suppress the body's response to the allergen with medication (ie. shots, inhalers, pills, etc.). Instead of suppressing the body, NAET's approach is to work with the body in identifying and then eliminating the allergy symptoms.

What Kind of allergies has NAET Helped?

An allergy or a sensitivity is your body's tendency to react negatively to things in your world. Things that you react to can be: food (wheat, milk, bananas), outdoor (grass, pollen, trees), environmental (perfumes, lotions, adhesives), animals and the list goes on.

Can NAET Help Me / My CHild?

Do you feel that your allergies are running your life…or possibly ruining it? Are you worried over a child missing out on their childhood because of reactions to food and the environment? Can NAET help? The short answer is…most likely!

Realize That There Really Is Nothing To Lose

NAET is safe and effective. There is not risk of drug side-effects or dependency as NAET is note dependent upon medications. There is no risk of allergic reaction to the skin-scratch testing as NAET does not utilize invasive testing procedures. Don’t suffer for no reason!


Your allergies and sensitivities aren't just going to go away. Schedule an appointment today to see if NAET is right for you.

What People are Saying

Mary would have asthma attacks around cats, severe enough that she required a steroid inhaler to get through the reaction. After allergy desensitization, she can be around cats and said goodbye to her arthritis pain as well.

Coby had a history of multiple environmental allergies and asthma. He reacted severely to grass and would have an asthma attack every time he mowed the lawn. Following allergy desensitization treatments he found that he could play and roll around in the grass without an asthma attack.

Mike had a history of sinusitis, itching eyes, lung congestion and nausea. He reacted to dust, weeds, pollen and pesticides. Symptoms were worse after rain. Following allergy desensitization treatments he noticed a dramatic decrease in the itching eyes, lung congestion and nausea and could enjoy playing in the rain.

A 55-year-old female with a history of depression, headaches, and low energy and multiple allergens. Experienced a burst of energy with the first allergy desensitization treatment. With continued treatment her headaches went away.

Brenda had adult-onset asthma and carried her inhaler everywhere. She constantly battled a runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, and wheezing due to her dog. She treated for dog and cat and noticed that the wheezing and sneezing subsided and she no longer broke out in rash around her animals.

Sara suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for most of her teen years. Exhaustion, fatigue, memory loss, muscle pain, night sweats and brain fog caused her to drop out of High School and couldn't hold down a job. While treating she noticed an increase in energy, vitality, mental clarity, and stamina. She eventually was able to return to school and hold down a job.

Six year old, Emma, had a peculiar rash on her bottom that started out as pimples and developed into itchy cysts that would rupture and scar over. Concerned about medicating, her mother tried allergy elimination treatments and was happy when the rash disappeared completely and the itching stopped.

B.L. suffered from multiple allergies and asthma. She had food allergies, environmental allergies, and animal allergies. Her asthma constantly bothered her and she used her inhaler 2 or more times a week. After allergy desensitization treatments her inhaler usage went from daily/weekly to monthly.

35-year-old woman had an intense craving for chocolate. She worked on a school playground and around her menstrual cycle had to carry M&Ms in her dress pockets just to cope with the cravings. After the allergy desensitization treatments she no longer had the intense, gotta-have-it, cravings for chocolate. And her mood was much better, too.

Mary was 73 and had suffered persistent flu-like symptoms for the past 3 years. She was concerned about overuse of medications and antibiotics. She noticed a positive change in health in the first few weeks of allergy desensitization treatments. Over time she reported increased energy and vitality and decreased symptoms.

Joe suffered from almost constant sinus pressure and drainage. He felt connected to a tissue box. He was so sensitive to dust that he had to leave the room when his wife vacuumed. Allergy shots did not work. After allergy desensitization treatments his symptoms improved so much that he was able to do the vacuuming.

Barb had chronic post-nasal drip for so long that she couldn't remember when it began. She tried every conceivable allergy treatment without success. She was worried about allergy shots and medication and side effects or "dependency" that they could create. After the allergy desensitization treatments her post-nasal drip, headaches, and dizziness disappeared, she slept better. Eventually, she reported that her Irritable Bowel Syndrome didn't bother her anymore.

Marleen had multiple allergies, the worse were cats and chocolate. She loved chocolate it caused horrible migraine headaches and she had to give it up. After allergy desensitization treatments she was amazed that she could be around cats without reacting and didn't react to chocolate anymore. 18 years later she was still enjoying eating chocolate and being around cats.

Hours & Info

(970) 412-3212
Mon-Wed-Fri by appointment