Myth: All “Calories” are Equal

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Myth: All “Calories” are Equal

The calorie is a measure of energy in food. All calories have the same energy content. However, this does NOT mean that all calorie sources are treated equally in the body.

Different foods go through different metabolic pathways and can have vastly different effects on hunger and the hormones that regulate body weight.

Hormones look at food calories differently. Even though fats have the densest calories, they are neutral when it comes to making fat. Sugar and refined carbohydrates, on the other hand, are huge triggers to fat-making hormones despite having fewer calories than fat.

Replacing carbs and fat with the right amount of protein can trigger fat-burning hormones, boost metabolism, and reduce appetite and cravings. The “right amount” is based on your body type and needs.

Bottom Line: Not all calorie sources have the same effects on health and weight. For example, protein can increase metabolism, reduce appetite and improve the function of weight-regulating hormones.

Dr. John Erickson, DC
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