Myth: You Have to Lose Weight to Get Healthy

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Myth: You have to Lose Weight to Get Healthy

You have no doubt heard that you should lose weight so you can be healthier. Obesity and weight gain has been linked to higher risk for diseases like diabetes, arthritis and stroke. Right? People have been pushing the idea that fats directly causes these other problems.

This is not true!

It is actually the opposite. You need to be healthy first before you can actually lose weight. You are fat because some area of your body is unhealthy. In other words, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, stroke and obesity are all the results (symptoms) of the same thing — an unhealthy body. Somehow, someone has assigned obesity as a primary cause of disease, when in reality it is in effect a result of something else.

If you have a stubborn weight problem, you have unhealthy hormones. You can’t be fat and healthy at the same time.

You have to get healthier to lose weight.

The body won’t and can’t release fat healthily until it is at a certain level of health. You can force your body to lose weight by taking an appetite suppressant or starving yourself. Beware that these tactics will give you a bigger problem down the road, making your efforts at losing weight more difficult later on.

Jumping in and fixing your weight problem with dieting (cutting calories) and typical exercise, without first finding out where your health needs to be improved, is not the best approach either. Losing weight is a lot more difficult because you are focused on the wrong goal — which is weight loss. A better goal would be creating healthier glands and hormones. Weight loss would then occur as a benefit of having a healthier body.

Bottom Line: Safe weight loss happens more quickly in a healthy body. An overweight body is an unhealthy body. Improve your health to shed the stubborn weight.

Dr. John Erickson, DC
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About the author : Dr. John Erickson, DC