We Have Been Fat-Brainwashed…

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We’ve Been Fat-Brainwashed…

We have been brainwashed into thinking that our Weight (or Fat) is THE Problem.

We have been repetitively taught and told that we need to… “Lose weight to get healthy.”

Fueling this statement is the link between excess weight and serious health issues like: Diabetes, Heart Disease, Strokes and certain Cancers.

We’ve Got It Backwards

The weight gain (or fat) is not the problem. It is but the symptom of other dysfunctions and derangements in the body.

Focusing our efforts on the [symptom of] excess weight will no sooner cause healthy weight loss than honking your horn during rush hour will make the traffic go away.

This is why traditional dieting doesn’t work – it is focusing on symptom instead of the cause. This is also why exercise, for many dieters, doesn’t work either – it is targeting the fat instead of the cause of the weight gain.

The above statement about health and weight loss is backwards. It needs to be read like this…

“Get healthy to lose weight.”

Stubborn weight gain has an underlying cause. You can’t fix the problem by simply covering up the symptoms. In the case of stubborn weight you have to improve your level of health to lose those unwanted pounds.

Dr. John Erickson, DC
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About the author : Dr. John Erickson, DC